Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Rail update

Jul 8, 2022

There’s bee a lot of publicity about the ongoing Rail EA negotiations, and while they are certainly complex, the government […] Read More »

Region 7 Bargaining Update

Jul 8, 2022

Our next meeting with Busways is scheduled for July 15th. In the lead-up to this, we’re working on the discussing […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Update

Jul 8, 2022

We met with TSA on Thursday to go over the shift modelling and work towards a clearer picture of how […] Read More »

Region 8 Pay Issues

Jul 8, 2022

We will be meeting KDNB on July 11th for an update on these ongoing payroll issues and pushing for the […] Read More »

CMET Log of Claims

Jul 8, 2022

CMET has now complied the Log of Claims for both the RTBU and ETU and we will be negotiating one […] Read More »

Region 7 Bargaining Update

Jul 1, 2022

At the last meeting we had on the 24th June, we discussed more of the issues that we saw with the […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Update

Jul 1, 2022

In Region 6, TSA are continuing to run shift modelling as requested by the RTBU. The company is also running […] Read More »

Region 6 backpay Victory!

Jul 1, 2022

This week Transit Systems began paying what will be more than 3 million dollars in backpay owed to ex-STA employees who worked […] Read More »

Region 8 Pay Issues

Jul 1, 2022

After 8 months of pay issues, members at Keolis Downer voted this week on directing the union to push for […] Read More »

Newcastle EA – In-principle agreement reached

Jul 1, 2022

The Newcastle EA was taken to members to vote on after we reached an in-principle agreement with KDH last Wednesday. […] Read More »


