Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Tram workers vote ‘yes’ for industrial action

Mar 7, 2012

Sydney LightRail workers have delivered an overwhelming ‘yes’ vote to  have the right to take protected industrial action after a […] Read More »

Share your story: The good, the bad and the ugly of Sydney’s Bus Routes

Mar 7, 2012

Divisional Secretary Chris Preston was interviewed recently for a Channel Seven story about safety on the transport network where he […] Read More »

The Hot Topic

Feb 29, 2012

Dude, what’s up with your bus? A recent Bus Express exclusive on mouldy buses caused a media sensation – with the Manly Daily and […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Hours of work, breaks, overtime and shift work

Feb 29, 2012

With Brett Peters… Section 4. Hours of work, breaks overtime and shift work Clause 36 – Meal Breaks 36.1     Employees […] Read More »

New delegate for Port Botany

Feb 28, 2012

Last week Philip Cooksey was elected with an overwhelming majority as the union delegate for the Port Botany depot. He had […] Read More »

Record Attendance at Union Training

Feb 24, 2012

Around 20 relief Union Delegates from Sydney and Newcastle attended the one day introductory course at the Tram & Bus […] Read More »

Join in the International Women’s Day Celebrations!

Feb 22, 2012

Community Picnic – 10 March 2012 at First Fleet Park, Circular Quay   This IWD there will be a community […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Sign on and off allowances

Feb 15, 2012

With Brett Peters…   Table 4 and 5: Sign On and Off Allowances in Sydney and Newcastle a) First sign […] Read More »

Randwick drivers take action over depot transfers

Feb 15, 2012

RTBU members took immediate action when drivers were transferred from Randwick to Kingsgrove recently, calling for the drivers to be […] Read More »

