Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Stay safe and know your work environment

Feb 10, 2015

As professional drivers safety is our number one priority, but awareness of all aspects of your working environment is important. Click through for a link to a comprehensive list of speed and red light cameras across NSW. Read More »

Meet your local delegate – William Lekkas

Jan 30, 2015

Why did you become involved in the union?
 I’ve got a passion for people’s rights. I come from a Greek background and big greek families debate and argue about everything! Read More »

Patients before profits

Jan 27, 2015

As the state election looms, its time to send the Premier a clear message that public hospitals must not be privatised. Members are invited to come along to a meeting being held in Narrabeen at 6pm on the 29th of January. Read More »

Ask for a changeover if you get a flat tyre

Jan 23, 2015

There is an issue at the Ryde depot with bus operators being asked to drive with a flat tyre. The union advises all members to immediately ask for a changeover if you get a flat tyre. Read More »

Hands Off Our Buses!

Jan 21, 2015

Our colleagues in Queensland are fighting against bus privatisation this election.

If the LNP is re-elected bus services will go to tender, meaning they will likely be privatised.

Bus privatisation means job cuts. It also means more expensive transport and less bus services, less often. Read More »

Know Your Rights: Career Paths

Jan 21, 2015

Know Your Rights with Brett Peters this month features Career Paths Read More »


Jan 16, 2015

The union has had a huge win on excess travel time whilst on loan to another depot. State Transit are paying six years back pay for unpaid travel time. Read More »

Working with children check update

Jan 12, 2015

Unions NSW on behalf of all affected workers in NSW is still disputing the $80.00 fee for the working with children check. With no foreseeable end to the matter at this point in time and the due date approaching the union advises that Bus Operators should NOW start the process of obtaining this check. Read More »

Bad planning leads to bus chaos in Sydney

Jan 7, 2015

Bus drivers and passengers alike were extremely frustrated during peak hour on Monday morning with delays of almost two hours in some areas. But the NSW Government has no plan yet to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Read More »

New Bus Award 2015

Jan 6, 2015

The new Bus Operators Award for 2015 has been ratified in the Industrial Relations Commission. Bus Operators are encouraged to download and print out a copy. Read More »

