Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Say Thankyou – National Day of Respect for Public Transport Workers

Nov 9, 2016

RTBU delegates, Sydney Alliance and Uniting Voice volunteers, and members or the Punjabi community leafleted members of the public at […] Read More »

400 Transport workers honour fallen Brisbane bus driver

Nov 4, 2016

Roughly 400 transport workers, many of them RTBU members, payed their respects to Manmeet Sharma and his family today. NSW Bus […] Read More »

Commuters to get on-demand buses, trains under ambitious plans to ditch timetables

Nov 2, 2016

Reported in the SMH – Buses, trains and ferries will be better matched to commuter demand under ambitious Baird government […] Read More »

Thank-you for your support

Nov 2, 2016

On behalf of the Divisional Secretary and President and the RTBU – A huge thank you to all RTBU Bus […] Read More »

Big companies ready for privatisation of lucrative Sydney bus contracts

Oct 31, 2016

Reported in the SMH  Large companies are lining up to win Sydney’s most lucrative bus contracts as expectations grow that […] Read More »

Violent murder of Brisbane bus driver

Oct 28, 2016

The RTBU is condemning the violence perpetrated on 29- Brisbane A 29 year old Brisbane bus driver that has tragically lead […] Read More »

Another great Bus and Tram Division BBQ

Oct 25, 2016

        The Bus and Tram Division had another great BBQ this week at the Port Botany Bus Depot. […] Read More »

More NSW transport blowouts as northern beaches bus project cost doubles

Oct 24, 2016

The Sydney Morning Herald reports: The cost of a planned bus corridor through Sydney’s lower north shore and northern beaches […] Read More »

Fair Work ratifies Transdev back-pay for 90 tram workers

Oct 21, 2016

Fair Work ratifies Transdev back-pay for 90 tram workers The Rail Tram and Bus Union Bus, Tram Division, have had […] Read More »

Sophie Cotsis meets with RTBU Busies ahead of by-election

Oct 19, 2016

Labor Candidate for Canterbury, Sophie Cotsis met with David Woollams (Divisional President) and Chris Preston (Divisional Secretary) and off duty […] Read More »


