Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Thank you and farewell to Divisional President Gary Way

Sep 21, 2015

Sadly, Divisional President Gary Way will be leaving the RTBU in early October. We asked Gary to reflect on his career with the union. Read More »

RTBU Women are now on Facebook!

Sep 2, 2015

The RTBU is proud to have an active and passionate Women’s Campaign Committee (WCC), who meet at least twice a year to discuss the issues and challenges facing women in our union and in the transport industry. Read More »

RTBU Women’s Committee arrives at Port Botany

Aug 19, 2015

Watch the RTBU Women’s Committee arrive at Port Botany to join the peaceful assembly in support of sacked MUA workers. Read More »

No bus plan for Randwick

Jul 21, 2015

ROADS will be torn up in Randwick, Kensington and Kingsford to make way for the new light rail before commuters find out how the bus network will operate, the Daily Telegraph reports. Read More »

Stop the China FTA – Rally 31 July

Jul 21, 2015

Tony Abbott’s free trade deal with China was negotiated in secret and it’s a bad deal for workers. It’s clear that Tony Abbott’s business mates are the winners, not ordinary working people. Read More »

Banning thugs on our public transport a good idea

Jul 14, 2015

Shadow Transport Minister Ryan Park is advocating for legislation which would ban thugs who commit serious offences on our transport networks from using these services. We think it’s a good idea. Read More »

Lack of maternity uniform an issue for pregnant drivers

Jul 10, 2015

Driving a bus may be one of very few jobs which pregnant woman may choose to continue to do as their pregnancy advances. But there’s a lot more that STA could do to support pregnant woman and female staff members more generally. Read More »

NSW electricity network to axe thousands of jobs

Jul 1, 2015

The Electrical Trade Union and United Services Union are up in arms after electricity networks Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy have revealed plans to make over 2700 jobs redundant from September this year. Read More »

Brookvale staff “banding” together

Jun 30, 2015

Brought together by their shared love of live music, a number of Brookvale Depot staff have formed their own eight piece band and will play their first official gig together next month. Read More »

Excess Travelling Time Paid for Sundays

Jun 26, 2015

The Union can report and update members, that State Transit are now paying the Excess Travel Time for Sundays worked at another depot. This payment is being backdated 2 years. Read More »


