Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

NSW electricity network to axe thousands of jobs

Jul 1, 2015News

The Electrical Trade Union and United Services Union are up in arms after electricity networks Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy have revealed plans to make over 2700 jobs redundant from September this year. Worse still, the companies are only giving staff one week to consider the proposal.

The draft redundancy policies show no concern or respect for loyal staff of the three companies. Employees who wish to keep working but are forced to take redundancy will suffer most with lower severance packages being offered to them than those who take voluntary redundancy.

ETU secretary Steve Butler said that this scheme would force staff to take voluntary redundancy.Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 4

“It means long serving staff who want to remain in their job risk losing tens of thousands of dollars, essentially forcing people to ‘volunteer’ for redundancy – whether or not they want to leave – or risk being jobless and thousands of dollars out of pocket,” he said.

While the job cuts don’t directly affect transport workers, we stand in solidarity with those ETU and USU members affected.

Read the media release from the ETU and USU here.

