Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Light Rail laughs from the Newcastle Herald

Mar 15, 2016

The Newcastle Herald had a bit of fun today with the proposed light rail in their letters section.  Read the full […] Read More »

Opal card still facing challenges on buses

Mar 15, 2016

Close to 8000 Opal card reader breakdowns on Sydney buses each year are being blamed on major glitches in computer equipment […] Read More »

No action on security leaves bus drivers in danger

Mar 15, 2016

With another violent attack on a Sydney Buses on Sunday afternoon, the union has called for harsher penalties for offenders […] Read More »

Marathon meeting of light rail members discusses draft enterprise agreement

Mar 14, 2016

In a four-hour meeting with Chris Preston and David Woollams, 40 members from light rail made it clear they won’t […] Read More »

Planning questions for Newcastle light rail, Newcastle Herald

Mar 14, 2016

Infrastructure NSW announced on Friday that it was reviewing the state government’s light rail plan for Newcastle, but this review […] Read More »

Like father, like son: Mike Baird continues fathers bid to end public buses

Mar 11, 2016

The more things change, the more things stay the same. We look on all the advances that our community has […] Read More »

Unlatched hatches meet their match

Mar 4, 2016

More and more reports are coming in that back hatches are not being locked when they leave the depots. Unlocked […] Read More »

STA CEO comes out swinging in defence of buses

Mar 1, 2016

STA CEO Peter Rowley has come out in strong defence of the service provided by Sydney Buses. Read his full […] Read More »

Evils of privatisation swept away by renaming it “franchising”

Feb 29, 2016

They can call it franchising or whatever they like, but the simple fact is that this is privatisation, and we […] Read More »

Rail, Tram and Bus Union rubbishes bus privatisation plan, 2UE

Feb 29, 2016

NSW Branch Assistant Secretary Dave Woollams spoke with 2UE’s Stuart Bocking about just how bad privatisation will be for Sydney’s […] Read More »


