Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

NSW Transport Minister Constance humiliated in Supreme Court

May 25, 2017

NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance MP was today humiliated in the Supreme Court when his attempt to sue his way […] Read More »

Labor claims removal of bus stops ‘a ploy’ to make Region 6 more attractive to private operators

May 25, 2017

Labor claims a move to remove many bus stops in Region 6 was “a ploy” by the government to make the services more attractive to a private operator. Read More »

Uni students not convinced privatisation would solve transport woes

May 25, 2017

Frustrated University of NSW students already lumped with abysmal bus services from the Kensington campus have said they were not convinced privatising public transport would improve their commute. Read More »

Messages of support

May 24, 2017

We’ve had a steady stream of support for our campaign against bus privatisation from other unions, community organisations and individuals. Here are some of their messages. Read More »

Channel 10: Sydney’s bus drivers take their fight straight to the top

May 24, 2017

Channel 10 ran an excellent story about the bus driver rally outside NSW Parliament! “We now have 3,500 Sydney bus […] Read More »

Watch: Labor’s Luke Foley slams privatisation plans in Parliament

May 24, 2017

Buses should be run for the public benefit, not private profit, says NSW Labor. Here’s NSW Labor leader Luke Foley […] Read More »

NSW Labor calls bus privatisation a “shortsighted and shameful decision”

May 23, 2017

Watch Labor MPs fight back against bus privatisation in NSW Parliament, calling it a “shortsighted and shameful decision” and demanding that […] Read More »

Video: Bus drivers, Labor MPs and unions protest outside NSW Parliament

May 23, 2017

Bus Drivers, Labor MPs and unions protested outside NSW Parliament today against the bus privatisation the community didn’t ask for and […] Read More »

Anger over plan to privatise bus trips in Canterbury Bankstown

May 23, 2017

Buses in Canterbury Bankstown will not be immune to the State Government’s plan to sell innerwest routes. Bus region six, which […] Read More »

Premier won’t rule out further bus privatisation

May 21, 2017

Asked whether, if the privatisation of buses in the inner west proved a success, she would also privatise those in […] Read More »


