Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Drivers call for extra security

Jul 12, 2011

Drivers around Sydney have noticed an increased level of alcohol- and drug-fuelled violence on buses and are concerned that not enough […] Read More »

Sign up to Bus Express and Win!

Jul 11, 2011

Bus Express is not only bringing you the latest news and views from life in the bus lane – it’s […] Read More »

Conciliation Win

Jul 8, 2011

The RTBU is pleased to announce a successful outcome in a conciliation case at the commission the NSW Industrial Relations […] Read More »

The new IR laws – where to now?

Jul 7, 2011

The new State Industrial Relations laws have passed into law. Pay rises for State Government workers are now capped at […] Read More »

Award negotiations halted

Jul 5, 2011

As part of the new IR laws, the state government has offered a standard 2.5% pay rise to bus drivers. […] Read More »

Working Australia Census – Have Your Say

Jun 22, 2011

The Working Australia Census gives union members across Australia a chance to tell their unions about the things that are […] Read More »

STA Award Negotiations

Jun 22, 2011

Our Log of Claims for the new Award has been lodged with STA.  Now that our current agreement has expired, […] Read More »


Jun 22, 2011

The AEC has conducted a vote for the Delegate position at Tempe, with Ashish Sarker elected to the position.  Congratulations […] Read More »

The Magnificent Seven

Jun 22, 2011

Community anger has been mounting over the NSW Government’s unfair state sector Industrial Relations laws, and Tram & Bus Division […] Read More »

Welcome to Bus Express

Jun 8, 2011

We’ve hit the ground running since taking on our new roles, visiting work places and preparing for the STA Award […] Read More »

