Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Burwood election declared

Nov 17, 2011

The Burwood election has now been declared. Congratulations go to Mark Delohery who will now be your representative in Burwood. Read More »

The Hot Topic

Nov 9, 2011

3.25% pay offer on the table for members Your union has been working hard over the past couple of months […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Fatigue Management

Nov 9, 2011

With Brett Peters…   Section 77. Fatigue Management 77.4 No employee will work more than 24 days in a 28 […] Read More »

It’s time to vote: Burwood elections on Thursday

Nov 8, 2011

Elections for a Sub-Divisional representative for Burwood depot are happening this Thursday 10 November. Make sure you put your vote […] Read More »

Happiness is a safe bus

Nov 7, 2011

Swift action taken by drivers over safety issues associated with gas-powered buses has forced STA to acknowledge the problem and […] Read More »

Strong Delegate Support for Pay Deal

Nov 2, 2011

At a recent special meeting of the Divisional Executive where EVERY DEPOT was represented, it was decided unanimously to endorse […] Read More »

Newcastle bussies get on board the ‘pink’ bus

Oct 28, 2011

From Margaret Panell When one of our female bus operators, Kylee Stewart, was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2011 her […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Hours of Work

Oct 26, 2011

With Brett Peters… Section 28. Hours of Work 28.5     Length of Shift – the ordinary hours of duty on any […] Read More »

Gas bus action vindicated

Oct 25, 2011

Last week bus drivers took a strong stand for workplace safety, after video footage came to light showing a dangerous […] Read More »

Unions show support for drivers standing up for safety

Oct 21, 2011

Last night at a meeting at Unions NSW the Bus Division tabled a letter, explaining the action that drivers took […] Read More »

