Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Region 6 EA Update

Jun 10, 2022

After the combined 24 hour strike, TSA stopped using the services of the bargaining agent they had employed (an ex-liberal […] Read More »

Newcastle industrial action

Jun 10, 2022

Following a unanimous decision to vote down the latest insufficient wage offer from Keolis Downer, RTBU members took stop-work action […] Read More »

Special Bulletin – Newcastle EA

Jun 6, 2022

It was great to see a turnout of around 180 people join us for the Stop Work action in Newcastle […] Read More »

Newcastle EA Update

May 27, 2022

KD put forward another offer on Friday, with the view for members to take a vote on Monday 30th May.  […] Read More »

Region 9 votes YES to the EA

May 27, 2022

The final EA document was made available to members to vote on Friday 20 May.  Of 67% of members who […] Read More »

Region 7 bargaining update

May 27, 2022

We’re continuing to work through a complete draft presented by Busways. We’re costing the proposed changes as well as identifying […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Update

May 27, 2022

Bargaining began a fortnightly schedule yesterday, and will remain ongoing until we reach an agreement. Remember, the TSA has gotten […] Read More »

Region 9 Payroll Issues

May 25, 2022

PAYROLL ITEM WHEN Outstanding STA Dependencies STA Leave Balances were received on Friday 13th May, but information was incomplete. TJHB […] Read More »

Newcastle EA and Protected Action Update

May 20, 2022

In good faith, Protected Industrial Action was stopped on Wednesday 11 May with the agreement that Keolis Downer (KD) will […] Read More »

Region 9 bargaining update

May 20, 2022

The final EA document was made available to members to vote on today. The RTBU designed roadmap has been followed […] Read More »


