Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Pay rise delivered on time

May 2, 2012

Contrary to rumours, the pay increase due on the 15th April 2012 was delivered on time without delay. This pay […] Read More »

Briefing scheduled for STA’s Western Sydney bus members

May 1, 2012

Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian has today announced that STA’s Western Sydney Buses contract to operate the Liverpool to Parramatta T-way […] Read More »

Bondi meal room leaves a bad taste for drivers

May 1, 2012

In what Divisional President Gary Way called a “victory for drivers’ health”, the STA has finally acknowledged that the meal […] Read More »

Handbrake incident not driver error

Apr 30, 2012

The RTBU has rejected claims that an accident caused when a bus handbrake released was due to “human error”. The […] Read More »

Bus and tram workers exempt from new levy

Apr 18, 2012

Gary Way and Chris Preston say NO to NSW Branch Levy on members of the Tram and Bus Division. Members […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Parental Leave

Apr 12, 2012

With Brett Peters… 65. Parental Leave 65.2 An employee who is not eligible for maternity leave or adoption leave may, […] Read More »

Boss for a day: The results

Apr 12, 2012

Bus drivers were recently asked to submit their ideas to Bus Express for how to improve STA bus services in […] Read More »

The Hot Topic

Apr 12, 2012

Union slams STA accident policy How dare State Transit penalise us when someone crashes into our bus!! If you are […] Read More »

Global Roaming: bus & tram news from around the world

Apr 11, 2012

Houston, we have a problem School bus drivers in Houston, Texas, are fed up with rowdy kids.  According to their […] Read More »

Channel 10 highlights fare evasion problem

Apr 10, 2012

Fare evasion is already a problem on our transport network, but with RailCorp Transit Officers set to be phased out across the […] Read More »

