Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Union to keep close eye on “cost saving reforms”

May 16, 2012News

The following notice has been issued to all State Transit employees following the Transport Minister’s recent announcement that private bus operators will be required to tender for existing metropolitan bus contract.

Mr Rowley confirmed that the Sydney Buses contract will not be put to tender, which is good news for buses.

However, Mr Rowley has said that he will be looking at “significant cost saving reforms” at State Transit without offering any details regarding what form the will take.

Your union is very concerned about this and will be keeping a close eye on STA as this process begins.

We know our members are already extremely efficient and await further details about how cost savings can be achieved without affecting services or the working conditions of drivers with considerable interest.

Attacks on wages or Award conditions will absolutely not be tolerated. We will keep you posted as more information comes to hand.

You can read the full letter here:



