Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Union BBQ comes to Ryde depot

May 28, 2013

Chris and Gary were just getting things cranked up when the heavens opened and the rain poured down right on […] Read More »

Division takes on Veolia Transport Sydney at Fair Work

May 27, 2013

When one of our members at VTS (Monorail) contacted the Union claiming that his redundancy payout was an amount well […] Read More »

Cars in bus lanes not the solution to traffic woes

May 27, 2013

The Tram & Bus Division has today slammed an idea to open up bus lanes to traffic to ease congestion. […] Read More »

Attendees acknowledge the value in Union training day

May 21, 2013

Nineteen members of Union Committees from a large cross section of Sydney and Newcastle Depots recently attended a one day […] Read More »

Mona Vale safety dispute – members dig in

May 20, 2013

As soon as STA announced that our members at Mona Vale were losing a relief point staff bus, RTBU Delegate […] Read More »

Randwick depot happy to see back of M.A.N. buses

May 16, 2013

In a week when drivers faced concerning changes to rosters and new routes, some good news surfaced from the Randwick […] Read More »

Union fee increase

May 16, 2013

The increase in Union Fees that was due on 1st January, 2013 will be implemented on 1st July, 2013 in […] Read More »

Solidarity for bus drivers today forced to learn new routes on the job

May 13, 2013

RTBU union members are showing solidarity this week with Sydney Bus Drivers operating on routes they have never driven before […] Read More »

Meet the driver who saved a life

May 10, 2013

When a women collapsed on the 466 route Amar Wahid was driving he didn’t hesitate to put his long term first aid training […] Read More »

Light rail moves from vision to reality

May 10, 2013

The Daily Telegraph has published the first glimpses of Sydney’s future light rail plans. It wrote today: “This is your […] Read More »

