Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Huge crowd demands review of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie’s new bus timetable

Feb 20, 2018

Last night we joined over 1,000 Newcastle commuters is venting our anger and frustrations over Newcastle’s privatised bus network. Chris Preston, […] Read More »

Newcastle Buses – RTBU holds crisis talks on Monday

Feb 16, 2018

Seven months later and we’re still experiencing the havoc of Constance’s privatisation scheme in Newcastle that has been plagued with […] Read More »

The Australian: Constance picks a new union fight

Feb 14, 2018

NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance has picked another fight with the Rail Tram and Bus Union, announcing that a company […] Read More »

SMH: Transit Systems wins bus privatisation race in Sydney

Feb 14, 2018

SMH, Matt O’Sullivan The Berejiklian government has pushed ahead with the privatisation of bus services in Sydney’s inner west, confirming […] Read More »

Transport Minister Constance betrays Sydney commuters and drivers with bus sell off

Feb 13, 2018

Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, has today announced that over a third of Sydney’s public buses will be immediately handed to […] Read More »

Region 6 privatisation – important update

Feb 13, 2018

The NSW Transport Minister, Andrew Constance, has just announced Transit Systems as the new operator to run region 6. The […] Read More »

Hunter MPs slam Andrew Constance for answer on Newcastle bus changes

Feb 7, 2018

By Matt Carr. Read the full story in the Newcastle Herald here.  HUNTER MPs have slammed Transport Minister Andrew Constance […] Read More »

Fears more than 160 bus manufacturing jobs in NSW are at risk

Feb 5, 2018

These job losses lay squarely at the feet of the Transport Minister Andrew Constance. Under this NSW Government, we’re sending […] Read More »

Newcastle Herald: Kids left stranded

Feb 2, 2018

A SCHOOL bus that failed to arrive in Wallsend this week has left parents fuming, politicians bickering and the bus […] Read More »

RTBU Media Release: Bus drivers warn timetable a disaster

Feb 2, 2018

Bus drivers say the new bus timetable in Newcastle region is proving to be shambolic, with reports of stress for […] Read More »


