Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Keolis Downer Northern Beaches Payroll Issues

Feb 11, 2022

It has been 3 months since Keolis Downer took over from STA and Members have told us that all outstanding payroll […] Read More »

Inner West Light Rail up and running soon

Feb 11, 2022

We’re thrilled to hear that Members at the Inner West Light Rail will soon be back on the tracks! The […] Read More »

Region 7 bargaining in sight

Feb 11, 2022

Busways have agreed to commence bargaining in Region 7 to replace both the Copied State Award AND the Greenfield Agreement. […] Read More »

Keolis Downer Newcastle EA Update

Feb 11, 2022

The union met with Keolis Downer management representatives on Wednesday 9 February to continue negotiations for the Keolis Downer Newcastle […] Read More »

STA Safety Screens

Feb 4, 2022

The issue of reflections and vision obstructions continues to be dealt with in the Industrial Relations Commission between Safework NSW […] Read More »

Members stand together and win PPE for Leichhardt Depot

Feb 4, 2022

Members at Leichhardt bus depot stood together and won a massive victory this week, forcing Transit Systems to provide appropriate […] Read More »

Depot visits in the East

Feb 4, 2022

Following the depot visits to Region 9 this week about the upcoming transfer to Transdev/John Holland, below is a brief […] Read More »

Region 8 update: Northern Beaches

Feb 4, 2022

The Enterprise Agreement approved by members was lodged with the Fair Work Commission late December and we’re still waiting on […] Read More »

Region 6 bargaining update

Feb 4, 2022

After the last meeting was held on January 14th, there was virtually no progress at all. The company seems happy […] Read More »

Region 7 bargaining update: Ryde and Willoughby

Feb 4, 2022

As we all know, Busways has colluded with TfNSW to once again, screw over hard working bus drivers. The good […] Read More »


