Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

RTBU Victoria show their solidarity

Nov 20, 2015

Our brothers and sisters south of the border have voted unanimously to support our call for the privatisation of bus and […] Read More »

Hunter Workers Secretary stands with the RTBU

Nov 20, 2015

Hunter Workers Secretary, Daniel Wallace, speaks with Dave Sutherland on the 2HD Richard King Breakfast Show. Click here to listen to […] Read More »

Opal card reader breakdowns worst on buses

Nov 20, 2015

The Union has been fighting for government action on this for years. Problems with the Opal readers are a daily issue for most […] Read More »

Unionists protest over privatisation

Nov 18, 2015

In a slap in the face to workers who may not have a job next year, Premier Mike Baird will […] Read More »

Depot visit a timely personal maintenance reminder for drivers.

Nov 12, 2015

A recent visitor to the Leichhardt depot served as a reminder to drivers that a yearly prostate exam is vital […] Read More »

Getting from A to B not for private profit, writes Faruqi

Nov 12, 2015

THE NSW government has again shown it doesn’t care about evidence, consultation or the long-term sustainability of our state’s second-largest […] Read More »

Special Newcastle Privatisation Edition of the Bus Express

Nov 11, 2015

With all that is happening in Newcastle, it is important to stay up to date. For a recap of the […] Read More »

Privatisation “ambush” is at the expense of public bus and ferry services

Nov 9, 2015

Bus and Tram Division Secretary Chris Preston told NBN News that selling off buses in Newcastle was an ambush from […] Read More »

Light rail not the answer for Newcastle

Nov 9, 2015

Tram and Bus Division Secretary, Chris Preston, has called for the scrapping of light rail in Newcastle and the introduction […] Read More »


