Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

May Day parade and family fun day

Apr 11, 2016

One of the labour movements biggest days of the year is only three weeks away! May Day remembers the battles […] Read More »

International Day of Mourning

Apr 8, 2016

Workers Memorial Day, or the International Day of Mourning, is coming up on April 28th. The day is a time […] Read More »

Former fan turns on Newcastle Light Rail

Apr 7, 2016

Former Newcastle Mayor, Jeff McCloy has reversed his view on light rail for Newcastle, despite previously fighting for its construction. Read More »

David Woollams elected Divisional President

Mar 30, 2016

The Bus and Tram Division has a new President following the retirement of Gary Way at the end of last […] Read More »

Election Notice – Assistant National Secretary (Bus and Tram Division)

Mar 29, 2016

The Australian Electoral Commission will be conducting elections for the position of Assistant National Secretary (Bus and Tram Division). Read More »

Valerie Jones of Newcastle supports drivers

Mar 24, 2016

A letter to the editor in the Newcastle Herald today called out the NSW Liberal Government for doubting claims made […] Read More »

Sydney’s most dangerous bus routes revealed

Mar 22, 2016

A survey of drivers has revealed the city’s most violent bus routes, with some unexpected results. Read More »

Drivers say Opal is no gem, Newcastle Herald reports

Mar 22, 2016

The spate of Opal failures continue, and it is not just in Sydney. While the state government has hailed its Newcastle […] Read More »

Quick action from union reopens Loftus St to buses

Mar 21, 2016

A sign erected at the corner of Loftus St and Bridge St in the dead of night last week effectively […] Read More »

Media coverage still fails to uncover Opal truth

Mar 17, 2016

We are now more than three years into Opal, and the government still hasn’t figured it out. Read More »


