Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Drivers face delays as light rail construction ramps up on Anzac Parade

May 4, 2016

It’s about to get even worse on the roads of Kensington as construction begins on the south east light rail. […] Read More »

Tram and Bus Division marched tall on May Day

May 1, 2016

Sydney’s 2016 May Day March showcased the diversity and strength of our movement. This year’s celebration marks 125 years since […] Read More »

Newcastle Council rejects light rail route

Apr 28, 2016

Newcastle City Council has stood up for community and good sense by voting to reject the State Government’s planned light […] Read More »

Reality bites as Newcastle Light Rail “consultation” begins

Apr 27, 2016

When the term “sleepwalking into a planning disaster” is mentioned in the first line of a newspaper article, you know […] Read More »

Division election results announced

Apr 22, 2016

The last couple of months have seen a flurry of voting by members for various positions in the Tram and Bus Division. […] Read More »

Information Session leaves questions unanswered

Apr 15, 2016

Five months after the first announcement that public transport in Newcastle faced privatisation, Transport for NSW have finally met with […] Read More »

Yeomans clocks up 500 games for UNSW Rugby Club

Apr 15, 2016

Randwick Depot’s own Robert Yeomans,  chalked up his 500th game recently for UNSW. Read More »

Members to save on insurance with new deal

Apr 15, 2016

The RTBU Tram and Bus Division are always looking at ways to add value to your membership. With this in […] Read More »

Paid information session for Newcastle staff

Apr 12, 2016

Following pressure from the union, the state government has agreed to a paid information session for all transport workers in […] Read More »


