Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Letter of Offer for Region 8

Aug 5, 2021Uncategorized

Our members in Region 8 have recently received letters of offer from Keolis Downer while negotiations continue. Your RTBU Delegate and Officers engaged in these negotiations with an overarching goal of creating a Federal Enterprise Agreement. This will ensure the agreement is compliant with the federal system and incorporate the conditions and protections from the STA Award. Several key items have already been agreed on, with the remaining items to be discussed.

However there has been some confusion as to whether members should sign their letters of offer.

The RTBU has recommended that members do not sign the letters until they are advised to do so once negotiations are complete, though members may preemptively fill in the form so that it’s ready to go if they wish to do so.

The union will not put members in a position where their conditions will be worse off. So, we strongly recommend sticking together and holding off on handing in the form until we have given the green light.

By acting in unity, we can and will get a better outcome.

You can read the relevant member bulletin here.

