Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Opal card: How to beat it, and most popular routes

Aug 21, 2015

The Opal card stats are proving that commuters will find ways to save on public transport if they can, and the Opal card’s fare design is encouraging new commuter behaviour patterns – for better or for worse. Read More »

RTBU Women’s Committee arrives at Port Botany

Aug 19, 2015

Watch the RTBU Women’s Committee arrive at Port Botany to join the peaceful assembly in support of sacked MUA workers. Read More »

We haven’t won yet

Aug 18, 2015

Last Friday the Federal Court overturned Hutchinson Ports’ decision to sack the MUA workers. However, when they showed up to work it became apparent that their employer had refused to roster them on any shift. Read More »

This is what it means to be union

Aug 14, 2015

More than a week ago, almost a hundred wharfies from Sydney and Brisbane were sacked by Hutchison Ports Australia via a midnight text message and email. The union movement stood strong and now those sacked workers are back at work. Read More »

Know Your Rights – Hours of Work

Aug 10, 2015

This month Brett Peters takes us through your rights around hours of work and intervals between shifts. Read More »

Fire safety victory for our union

Aug 7, 2015

Our union has had a big victory this week with the NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance finally agreeing to fit all State Transit Authority buses across the state with fire suppressant systems. Read More »

No bus plan for Randwick

Jul 21, 2015

ROADS will be torn up in Randwick, Kensington and Kingsford to make way for the new light rail before commuters find out how the bus network will operate, the Daily Telegraph reports. Read More »

Stop the China FTA – Rally 31 July

Jul 21, 2015

Tony Abbott’s free trade deal with China was negotiated in secret and it’s a bad deal for workers. It’s clear that Tony Abbott’s business mates are the winners, not ordinary working people. Read More »

Opal fares up for review

Jul 20, 2015

After the NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance released details of the bus route upheaval to occur in Sydney from October, there was an immediate reaction from commuters. Now Opal fares are up for review. Read More »

Sydney bus chaos to start in October

Jul 17, 2015

The NSW Government has finally released its plans about bus route changes as construction for the George Street light rail ramps up in October – and we’re expecting chaos to ensue for both commuters and bus drivers. Read More »

