Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Market St: Epicentre of road congestion

Oct 21, 2015

The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting today that Market Street will be the ‘epicentre of the road congestion’ when George Street closes on Friday. Read More »

Sorry, bus full: M30

Oct 20, 2015

The M30 is now one of the only major bus routes still taking passengers through the CBD – and we’ve been spotting a lot of full or overcrowded M30 buses like this one at Eddy Avenue. Read More »

Our union leading the way on corporate governance

Oct 20, 2015

Today four RTBU Tram and Bus Division delegates joined representatives from other divisions to participate in corporate governance training at our union’s NSW head office. Read More »

Brace for ‘traffic armageddon’, warns Tele

Oct 19, 2015

The real test is coming for the NSW Government’s planning with George Street set to close to all traffic on Friday evening from 8pm. Read More »

Newcastle late night security concerns

Oct 14, 2015

No worker should ever be subject to violent assault while doing their job and we’re doing all we can to support the driver and members who are understandably nervous about their safety following a recent attack in the Newcastle area. Read More »

Day one: Bus route changes in the CBD

Oct 6, 2015

RTBU Divisional Secretary Chris Preston and Assistant Branch Secretary David Woollams have walked the length of the city this morning to monitor the effects of the the re-routing of buses in the Sydney CBD. Read More »

Don’t break the law to keep the city moving next week

Oct 1, 2015

For months, we’ve been getting complaints from members that it’s nearly impossible to turn left into Park Street from Elizabeth Street when travelling into the city without getting caught by the red light – particularly if you’re driving a bendy bus. Read More »

Know Your Rights – Attending Office

Sep 29, 2015

This month on Know Your Rights your Divisional Vice President highlights your rights around Attending Office. Read More »

Overcrowded buses are an accident waiting to happen

Sep 22, 2015

Many of Sydney’s buses are overloaded in peak times and more services combined with stronger regulations are urgently needed. Read More »

Thank you and farewell to Divisional President Gary Way

Sep 21, 2015

Sadly, Divisional President Gary Way will be leaving the RTBU in early October. We asked Gary to reflect on his career with the union. Read More »


