Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Union secures travel savings for members

Jan 22, 2016

Pack your bags, because RTBU members can now enjoy savings on all TFE Group hotels! In great news for those […] Read More »

London lessons tell a sad story on bus privatisation

Jan 21, 2016

By 2020, London buses will lose all of its $1.4 billion in government subsidies, sparking fears that to recoup funding […] Read More »

Radio room uses PTIPS for risk assessment

Jan 20, 2016

“It is impossible not to be concerned when you look at this image and listen to the transcript of the […] Read More »

NSW MP’s support public buses

Jan 5, 2016

Source: NSW Parliament website Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie) [5.40 p.m.]: I speak today about Transport for Newcastle, the new […] Read More »

Hunter train trips falling

Jan 5, 2016

The NSW State Government are defending a drop in patronage on the Hunter train line, saying that with the introduction of the Opal Card the way they collect data has changing and currently the statistics are inaccurate. Read More »

Know Your Rights – Wages and Related Matters

Dec 21, 2015

SECTION 3 – WAGES AND RELATED MATTERS 15. Wages and Wage Increases 15.1 Subject to this clause, wage rates at […] Read More »

Ryan Park visit shows solidarity with Union

Dec 18, 2015

On a visit to the Hunter, NSW Shadow Minister for Transport Ryan Park restated Labor’s opposition to the privatisation of […] Read More »

Not good enough to just compare the dollars

Dec 17, 2015

Comparing STA bus costs to private operator costs is like comparing apples to oranges, but that’s just what the NSW […] Read More »

The organised chaos of peak-hour Wynyard

Dec 16, 2015

The Wynyard bus interchange is like a city in a city, with its own rules, and a transient population bigger […] Read More »

Christmas and New Year penalty rates update

Dec 15, 2015

With a big week ahead, drivers and staff are reminded of their entitlements under the agreement. To qualify for the […] Read More »


