Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Berejiklian’s light rail to be caught short in peak hour

Oct 24, 2017

The Australian, Andrew Clennell When NSW Premier Gladys ­Berejiklian’s controversial $2.1 billion CBD light rail opens in 2019, it will […] Read More »

Media Release: New poll shows Sydney commuters strongly against bus privatisation

Oct 20, 2017

Commuters in areas at risk of their bus service being privatised are strongly opposed to the move and believe privatisation […] Read More »

Sydney’s light rail – another NSW Government disaster

Oct 19, 2017

This is just another example of why this NSW Government cannot be trusted. They continue to hide documents which indicate our […] Read More »

The Australian: NSW government in bid to keep lid on light rail secrets

Oct 18, 2017

Once again the NSW Government shows us that they cannot be trusted. With their hands on another project in Parramatta, it […] Read More »

Union calls for transport minister to resign

Oct 13, 2017

Newcastle Herald, Ian Kirkwood A SMALL group of Rail, Tram and Bus Union members converged on the new Newcastle Interchange […] Read More »

No Confidence in Constance – Newcastle rally

Oct 13, 2017

We could feel the anger and frustration in the air this morning as we joined with Newcastle transport workers, from […] Read More »

Bus privatisation debate held in Parliament

Oct 13, 2017

On Thursday October 12, the first debate about Sydney’s bus privatisation was held in Parliament. Constance rambled off lies upon […] Read More »

Northern District Times: Buses under threat

Oct 12, 2017

Officials hit streets to talk to commuters about risk of privatisation Steven Deare, October 11 2017 BUS drivers have warned […] Read More »

Auditor-general to look at light rail costs

Oct 12, 2017

The Newcastle Herald, October 12, Ian Kirkwood AFTER repeated allegations of cost blow-outs, the Audit Office of NSW has agreed to […] Read More »

Hitting the streets: Coogee and Ryde

Oct 11, 2017

Over the last fortnight we’ve been out at local bus stops across Sydney informing commuters about the threat of bus […] Read More »


