Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Gladys Berejik­lian sets 18-month deadline to fix congestion woes

May 23, 2018

This story comes from a Government who are already running far behind schedule and soaring over budget on every project […] Read More »

Daily Telegraph: Acciona’s track record of bitter legal stoushes

May 17, 2018

What a disaster. Once again, Constance hasn’t done his homework. We cannot trust this NSW Government to do a single […] Read More »

AFR: Light rail problems ‘no surprise’

May 17, 2018

In the AFR by Jenny Wiggins An underbidder for the disastrous Sydney light rail project says it was obvious the biggest […] Read More »

Newcastle debate in Parliament, tomorrow. Join us

May 16, 2018

On Thursday, State Parliament will be debating the disastrous new Newcastle bus timetable, again. All bus drivers and supporters are […] Read More »

May Day Sydney photos

May 11, 2018

  On Sunday May 6th, members from the RTBU NSW gathered with workers from across the state to rally for […] Read More »

Newcastle transport interchange builders in $2.5m bill dispute forced to count the cost of each bolt

May 10, 2018

Every single project of Constance’s gets blundered. This Minister is totally incapable of being trusted with tax payer money. It’s well […] Read More »

Newcastle May Day rally photos

Apr 30, 2018

Thank you to everyone who came along and marched with us over the weekend at the Newcastle May Day rally. […] Read More »

ABC: Sydney’s light rail is one year behind schedule

Apr 26, 2018

It’s no surprise to us that this Government have completely bungled Sydney’s light rail project in the same way they […] Read More »

Secret documents detailing Sydney’s $2.1b light rail won’t be released

Apr 23, 2018

Once again, this NSW Government is shrouding it’s transport projects in secrecy. The public deserve to know where their tax […] Read More »

Newcastle Herald: Keolis Downer announces new direct bus connections in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie timetable shake-up

Apr 20, 2018

Newcastle Herald, Nick Bielby  Direct connections between eastern Lake Macquarie and two of the region’s major shopping and business hubs […] Read More »


