Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Media Release: Newcastle commuters continue to suffer from bungled transport projects

Feb 8, 2019

Transport workers are slamming the NSW Government over a revelation that Newcastle’s new trams will be running only every 10-15 […] Read More »

Bus tragedy in Kingsgrove

Jan 29, 2019

Our thoughts go out to everyone impacted by the bus tragedy in Kingsgrove overnight, particularly the family of the two […] Read More »

RTBU Media Release: Transport workers question unaccounted $84 million

Jan 29, 2019

Today transport workers are asking the NSW Government to explain exactly why there has been an additional $84 million of […] Read More »

Horrific bus driver attack a reminder to respect drivers

Dec 29, 2018

Media release, 29 December 2019: A recent incident in Sydney which saw a bus driver attacked with an unidentified chemical […] Read More »

RTBU Tram & Bus Media Release: Auditor General report shows Government can’t be trusted to plan for Newcastle

Dec 13, 2018

Auditor General report shows Government can’t be trusted to plan for Newcastle   An Auditor General report has revealed that the […] Read More »

RTBU welcomes Labor’s commitment to review Newcastle buses

Dec 11, 2018

The RTBU NSW Tram and Bus Division welcomes Labor’s commitment announced today, to audit the Newcastle bus network and work […] Read More »

Taxpayer money wasted on empty buses to nowhere

Dec 7, 2018

Media release: The NSW Government’s on-demand bus trials are costing taxpayers around $150 per person, per trip to run and are […] Read More »

Newcastle commuters left waiting as bus privatisation experiment fails

Nov 30, 2018

Media release, 30 Nov 2018: Newcastle’s bus privatisation experiment has been a dismal failure, with a new report revealing that […] Read More »

NSW Government handling of light rail project an expensive joke

Nov 30, 2018

In a further sign of the Transport Minister’s shambolic handling of the Sydney Light Rail project, a Parliamentary Inquiry has […] Read More »

Acciona awarded $7.9 million Government project despite shocking track record

Nov 29, 2018

The RTBU Tram and Bus division has serious concerns as to why the NSW Government has decided to provide beleaguered […] Read More »


