Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Pyrmont Depot: Transdev’s Proposal

Oct 22, 2021

Discussions with Transdev are continuing since the last meeting. Transdev have put forward a proposed solution to the Committee, which […] Read More »

Region 7, the way forward

Oct 22, 2021

Next week we’ll be meeting with the Busways owner and management to outline the RTBU approach to the situation they’ve […] Read More »

Region 8 Draft EA vote

Oct 22, 2021

In contrast to the battleground in Region 6, Region 8 shows how big a difference it can make depending on […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Bargaining Update

Oct 22, 2021

This week the RTBU finally received a written response to our Log of Claims, many weeks after it was provided. […] Read More »

Transdev meeting and alternative offer

Oct 15, 2021

The union met with Transdev today and were presented with an alternative offer, in which Transdev has reconsidered some of the claims the […] Read More »

Region 6 EA Negotiations

Oct 15, 2021

With the RTBU and TWU lodging a combined protected action ballot application, the scene is set. It’s quite amusing to […] Read More »

Region 8 EA tracking well

Oct 15, 2021

The latest draft of the proposed EA is currently with delegates to review and is on schedule to be put […] Read More »

Tempe Delegate Election Result

Oct 15, 2021

Although he has served as a caretaker delegate for well over a year, the RTBU officially congratulates and welcomes Peter […] Read More »

STA training video is insufficient

Oct 8, 2021

It has come to our attention that operators have been implementing training for workers by simply asking them to watch […] Read More »

Pyrmont Tram Depot: An update on the Transdev EA

Oct 8, 2021

We met with Transdev on Wednesday 6 October, with both parties going away from that meeting with the expectation that […] Read More »


