Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Unions mass in Newcastle to protest IR laws

Aug 9, 2011

Delegates and members joined forces with hundreds of other angry union members to protest the O’Farrell government’s unfair public sector […] Read More »

Uniform dispute update

Aug 9, 2011

Union solicitors Slater & Gordon appeared in the Chief Industrial Magistrates Court again on Thursday July 30, where State Transit […] Read More »

Union delivers initial pay outcome as negotiations continue

Aug 2, 2011

Union members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of an initial 2.5% pay increase back dated to the 12th of June, […] Read More »

The Hot Topic

Jul 29, 2011

Union Watchdog created to monitor Transport for NSW The creation of a centralised transport authority, Transport for NSW, is the […] Read More »

Award Negotiations: Vote on August 1

Jul 27, 2011

The Union Executive (all depot delegates and officials) has issued the following important notice to members regarding the current round […] Read More »

New Hamilton Office

Jul 26, 2011

To celebrate the opening of the new union office at Hamilton Depot the union threw a barbie for union members. Read More »

Congratulations Brett

Jul 25, 2011

Brett Peters from Hamilton Depot has been elected to the position of Branch Divisional Vice President. Read More »

Shed driver review in dispute

Jul 22, 2011

The unpopular shed driver review, which was included in the 2009 pay deal for drivers, is currently in dispute while […] Read More »

Burwood depot challenges parking zones

Jul 19, 2011

Burwood depot is currently in urgent talks with Burwood Council over the sudden change of parking zones around the depot. […] Read More »

Uniform allowance dispute goes to court

Jul 14, 2011

As part of the 2007 Award, STA agreed to provide a new uniform to all drivers, and every year after […] Read More »

