Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Masterchefs step up again in BBQ tour of duty

Aug 31, 2012

A touch of Masterchef was yet again on show at the latest RTBU BBQ at Tempe depot – but it […] Read More »

Waverley depot protests against harsh application of the discipline policy

Aug 30, 2012

Fed up with management’s lack of respect for workers and what they see as unreasonably tough reactions to minor offences, […] Read More »

This is what the Premier wants to do to your pay and conditions

Aug 29, 2012

The Sydney Morning Herald has reported on its front page that at least 80,000 NSW public sector workers are set to […] Read More »

Wynyard ticket office back in action!

Aug 29, 2012

In a huge win for the union the Wynyard Transit Shop ticket office has been reopened. After complaints from commuters […] Read More »

Edward’s story: Knowing your PSA level could save your life

Aug 24, 2012

My name is Edward Robinson and I am a bus driver at Brookvale bus depot. In October of 2010 I was […] Read More »

Government dragging its feet on gas bus safety measures

Aug 24, 2012

One year after a gas bus exploded in Hillsdale, prompting drivers to pull them all off the roads, promised safety […] Read More »

Know your Rights: Articulated bus allowance

Aug 22, 2012

With Brett Peters… 39. Articulated bus allowance 39.1 An employee who operates an articulated bus shall be paid an additional […] Read More »

Tempe dispute signals break through in unfair incident/collision policy

Aug 21, 2012

After having only one responsible accident in his entire career, a member at Tempe depot was placed on stage one […] Read More »

Workers must be consulted on new trams

Aug 16, 2012

The Minister for Transport has announced a $20 million contract for the supply of new trams to run on the […] Read More »

Kingsgrove depot dominates annual Road Race

Aug 7, 2012

It was a bumper turn out for the 58th Kingsgrove Depot Road Race this year with 48 runners and representatives […] Read More »

