Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Patients before Profits doorknocking

Mar 9, 2015

If you live on the Northern Beaches and are concerned that the new hospital will be built and run by a private corporation – then join nurses and midwives to door knock in Manly on Saturday 21 March. Read More »

Meet your local delegate – David Grant

Mar 6, 2015

Why did you become involved in the union?
 Well, in the first place I was just asked to help out, so I did. But then I found I enjoyed it and really liked helping my workmates and standing up for our rights in the workplace. Read More »

Your chance to have your say

Mar 4, 2015

The RTBU member survey is now online! This is your chance to let us know what you think and the direction you want to see us take into the future. Follow the link to take part. Read More »

National Day of Action – March 4

Feb 25, 2015

March 4 is a National Day of Action and there will be marches all around the country. Click through to find a rally in your city. Read More »

No changes to bus routes until September

Feb 24, 2015

The Transport Minister appears to have listened to Bus Operator concerns and has promised to communicate any changes to bus routes in advance during construction of the South East Light Rail project. She has also announced that major works on George Street will not commence until September. Read More »

Opal card debacle

Feb 24, 2015

Bus Operators will not be surprised to learn that commuters are paying millions of dollars worth of extra fares because of a glitch in the Opal card system. Read More »

Qld buses saved from privatisation

Feb 19, 2015

We’d like to congratulate our colleagues in Queensland who campaigned tirelessly in the lead up to their state election and saved their bus services from privatisation.
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NSW is Not For Sale!

Feb 17, 2015

If you care about the future of our electricity network, TAFE, hospitals and local councils get behind the NSW is Not For Sale campaign. Click the link to watch the video. Read More »

Know your rights: Job Share

Feb 13, 2015

This month, Brett Peters takes us through our rights to Job Share as set out in the Award. Read More »

Bus skidding concerns are widespread

Feb 11, 2015

Buses skidding in red bus lanes appears to be widespread. If you have experienced this first hand please give a brief written report to your depot delegate so the union can progress the dispute. Read More »

