Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Save Our Buses: Eastern Suburbs commuters rally against Constance’s cuts

Jun 2, 2021

Last Sunday saw over 400 people descend on High Cross Park in Randwick to demand Minister Constance reverse his plans […] Read More »

Keolis Downer gets Region 8 Contract

May 28, 2021

While it remains a sad day when the end of government run transport on the Northern Beaches is in sight, […] Read More »

Eastern Suburbs, Make Them Listen – Bus Rally to Save Region 9 Buses

May 28, 2021

We’re continuing the fight against the NSW Government’s unjust demolition of 25 bus routes in the Eastern suburbs. This translates […] Read More »

Picnic Fund Gift Cards

May 28, 2021

The executive moved a resolution on May 7th that all members are to receive a $50.00 gift card (eftpos). This […] Read More »

Randwick Depot BBQ

May 28, 2021

As usual, the latest leg of our BBQ depot tours was a success! Randwick depot, it was a pleasure to […] Read More »

Corruption ‘cannot be ruled out’ in controversial Sydney land deal

May 21, 2021

The NSW Auditor-General Margaret Crawford has found misconduct or corruption cannot be ruled out in the state government’s controversial purchase of […] Read More »

Transdev IWLR EA Update

May 21, 2021

Transdev have throughout the negotiations kept insisting that our members who work on the IWLR (Inner West Light Rail) network […] Read More »

On Time Running and You

May 21, 2021

For the longest time, the responsibility for on time running has been put onto the bus driver. While is some […] Read More »

R U OK? Randwick Tram Day

Apr 29, 2021

We visited Randwick Tram Depot yesterday to ask depot employees R U OK? It’s always important to make time to […] Read More »

Union Wins Employee Pass Extension!

Apr 29, 2021

In a win for common sense, TfNSW has agreed to the RTBU request for an extension of 6 months to […] Read More »


