Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Keolis Downer Newcastle EA Update: meetings to restart next week

Feb 4, 2022

Members may be aware that Wednesday’s bargaining meeting with Keolis Downer management reps was cancelled by the employers, citing “operational […] Read More »

Accrual of Sick Leave

Jan 28, 2022

While STA bulk awards sick leave to employees at the beginning of the year, that is not how things normally […] Read More »

Region 9 Letters of Offer

Jan 28, 2022

We ask members to continue to hold out on returning their letters of offer. Again, this is all part of […] Read More »

Keolis Downer Newcastle EA Update to Restart in February

Jan 28, 2022

It’s a new year and we’re ramping up for negotiations with Keolis Downer. Meetings will start again in February. To […] Read More »

Keolis Downer Newcastle EA Update

Dec 17, 2021

We met with Keolis Downer on Tuesday 14 December. At the meeting, Keolis Downer explained their rationale behind their log of […] Read More »

Region 6 Industrial Action

Dec 17, 2021

This week saw more action in region 6 with no uniforms and wearing union clothes kicking off indefinitely- people were […] Read More »

Pyrmont EA Update

Dec 7, 2021

Following an intense period of bargaining and protected industrial action, members at Pyrmont recently voted in favour of the proposed […] Read More »

Keolis Downer Newcastle EA Update

Dec 7, 2021

The RTBU met with KD management representatives on Tuesday 30 November 2021 to continue negotiations for the Keolis Downer Newcastle […] Read More »

Future Region 6 Industrial Action

Dec 7, 2021

Following two stoppages of two hours each last Thursday morning and Friday afternoon, RTBU & TWU members followed up with […] Read More »

Transdev & John Holland win the East

Nov 29, 2021

In what was the worst kept secret in transport lately, a joint venture between Transdev and John Holland has been […] Read More »


