Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Women in Male Dominated Occupations & Industries

May 15, 2015

Five representatives from the RTBU attended the Wimdoi – Women in Male Dominated Occupations & Industries Conference in Sydney last week, joining women from many different male dominated industries and professions, including construction workers, correctional officers, wharfies, firefighters and miners. Read More »

Australian Unions Budget 2015 Score Card

May 13, 2015

Australian Unions had a team pouring over the Hockey-Morrison budget last night seeing if it passes the test of supporting working people and their families. Here’s the result. Read More »

The ‘Hell 90’

May 12, 2015

The Daily Telegraph reports on the longest commute in Sydney – the L90. Read More »

Ultra Marathon for Kids

May 10, 2015

RTBU member and bus driver from Leichhardt depot, Matthew Reid, is getting prepared for an ultra marathon. Read More »

Moving forward on women’s campaigns

May 6, 2015

Twenty women from across all RTBU divisions met recently for the biannual Women’s Campaigns Committee (WCC) meeting.

Women are vastly underrepresented in the transport industry with figures showing that only around 8 per cent of STA employees, 16 per cent of Sydney Trains employees and 24 per cent of NSW Trains employees are female. Read More »

May Day Parade – This Sunday

May 1, 2015

It’s May Day, and on Sunday we’ll be marching to celebrate the hard won 8 hour work day secured by the union movement and workers. Read More »

International Day of Mourning memorial service

Apr 20, 2015

What if you went to work one day and never came home? Sadly that is the reality for more than 40 Australians who have been killed in workplace accidents this year alone. Read More »

School children left behind

Apr 8, 2015

In some parts of Newcastle the shortage of buses in the area has meant that school children are even being left at school because the buses scheduled to pick them up are too full to take them. Read More »

Reports buses skidding up to five metres in wet weather

Apr 1, 2015

Earlier this year on Bus Express we asked members to report any first hand experience of buses skidding in wet weather on […] Read More »

Union is calling for security screens on all buses

Apr 1, 2015

Our recent member survey has shown that 53 per cent of bus drivers have reported being assaulted by a member […] Read More »


