Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Rear door trial: Report your concerns

Jun 24, 2015

The rear door trial is now underway and as we reported earlier on Bus Express, the union is concerned about its impacts on drivers and passengers. If you have been affected by this trial please report your experience to the union in writing. Read More »

Rear door boarding trial is extremely concerning

Jun 15, 2015

Transport for NSW will begin a trial next week which will allow passengers to board through the rear doors of buses at designated times and locations in the presence of marshals. The RTBU is extremely concerned about the safety implications of the trial and any wider scale roll out. Read More »

Brookvale driver to run 250km through the desert

Jun 15, 2015

Brookvale driver Steve Hill will be competing in the Big Red Run this year – a 250 kilometre, multi-day race through the Simpson desert. Read More »

ACTU Congress 2015

Jun 2, 2015

The ACTU Congress was held in Melbourne last week, with around 800 delegates from affiliated unions meeting to discuss the union movement’s agenda for the next three years. Our Union was successful in getting a number of important issues recognised by the Congress. Read More »

Farewell Patrick

Jun 1, 2015

Veteran Sydney Light Rail Workplace Delegate Patrick Fielding has retired leaving a proud legacy for Sydney tram workers. Read More »

Many hidden dangers in free trade deal with China

Jun 1, 2015

Like many free trade deals before it, the China Free Trade Agreement is hailed by the Government as good for Australian businesses, offering better access to China’s economy, more export opportunities and opening up new markets. Read More »

RTBU leading the debate at ACTU Congress

May 28, 2015

The ACTU Congress is on in Melbourne this week – a triennial event which sees union delegates from right across […] Read More »

Light rail at snail’s pace?

May 27, 2015

It seems that if you’re looking for a quick journey from Circular Quay to Central Station, you’d be better off catching the train than the soon to be developed light rail. Read More »

Three buses on fire in Sydney in three months

May 21, 2015

On Tuesday a bus full of passengers caught fire on Parramatta road – the third in a string of similar incidents affecting STA buses in NSW over the past three months. The RTBU is calling for all buses in NSW to be urgently fitted with fire suppressant systems before a serious injury or death occurs. Read More »

Still no answers on light rail re-routing

May 18, 2015

Despite numerous requests, STA is still refusing to provide the Bus Division with any information about the plans for bus re-routing while the works on the South East Light Rail Link take place. Read More »


