Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

“We’re all on this bus together” Tassie Safety Campaign

Nov 21, 2017

The RTBU has proudly launched the first stage of a National Safety Campaign for bus drivers. The launch in Tasmania […] Read More »

Parliament debate: Constance shows his true colours

Nov 17, 2017

On Thursday the 16th of October, we packed out Parliament once again for the second debate on the privatisation of […] Read More »

Minister Constance’s grand plan for driverless buses hits a surprise snag

Nov 15, 2017

Andrew Constance’s obsession with putting public bus drivers out of a job by introducing ‘driverless buses’ has hit a snag […] Read More »

Constance’s plans to scrap Wollongong Shuttle met with fierce protest

Nov 15, 2017

Transport Minister Andrew Constance’s plan to scrap the free Wollongong Shuttle have been met with fierce protest at a rally […] Read More »

Sydney EBA Update

Nov 10, 2017

We’re currently in the process of mailing out a letter with the latest updates for your EBA negotiations. There will […] Read More »

Constance proves again he cannot be trusted

Nov 10, 2017

Minister Constance has backed away from an agreement to investigate the possibility of creating trackless trams for Parramatta Road. It has […] Read More »

Campaigning to protect Ryde’s public buses

Nov 10, 2017

Today we gathered with Leader of the Opposition, Luke Foley, and the Mayor of Ryde, Jerome Laxale to call upon […] Read More »

Join us in Ryde on Friday!

Nov 9, 2017

This Friday November 10th, we’ll be protesting outside Ryde bus depot, calling on the Member for Ryde, Victor Dominello MP, […] Read More »

Inner West bus stops on the chopping block ahead of Constance’s sell-off scheme

Nov 7, 2017

Documents released by Roads and Maritime Services have indicated that the Government may be about to axe over 30 of […] Read More »

Bus privatisation polling hits the news

Oct 25, 2017

Check out the Channel 7 story below about the latest evidence that commuters in Sydney do not want their public […] Read More »


