Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Day in the life of a bus driver – David Babineau on FBI radio

Aug 15, 2019

The RTBU Tram and Bus Division’s Secretary David Babineau spoke out last month on the radio about being a bus […] Read More »

Media Release: On demand bus blunder costing taxpayers around $500 per trip

Aug 14, 2019

13 August 2019   Taxpayers could be forking out up to $500 per passenger, per trip for the Transport Minister’s […] Read More »

Infrastructure Australia warns more buses will be at ‘crush capacity’

Aug 13, 2019

Infrastructure Australia’s latest report card has revealed that public transport in Sydney has been far more crowded in the last […] Read More »

New survey reveals longer commute times Australia-wide

Aug 1, 2019

A new survey from Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) has revealed that commuters are suffering across Australia […] Read More »

City of Newcastle continues to fund Park and Ride buses in hopes for an extended light rail service

Jul 26, 2019

The City of Newcastle has decided to continue to fund the Park and Ride buses for another year in the […] Read More »

Media Release: Public transport bodies call for increased penalties for assault on staff

Jul 23, 2019

Key bodies representing Australian public transport operators and employees are seeking increases in penalties for assaulting public transport staff so […] Read More »

Media Release: Newcastle buses shouldered out by costly “premium” service as RTBU calls for clarity

Jul 3, 2019

Regular timetabled Newcastle buses on routes 41, 43 and 48 are being reduced to make way for a new “premium” […] Read More »

Overcrowding on inner west line to continue for years after extra trams postponed

Jul 2, 2019

Today’s Sydney Morning Herald has revealed that Transport for NSW was supposed to buy new trams mid last year to […] Read More »

‘Abuse is part of the job’: New data reveals bus drivers are living in fear of angry customers

Jun 28, 2019

An article on ABC News has revealed that nowadays, aggression towards bus drivers is a norm and many bus drivers are […] Read More »

Media Release: Commuters suffer as privatisation takes its toll on inner-west buses

Jun 3, 2019

It is clear that decisions from the NSW Government to privatise buses have only resulted in disaster for Sydney’s public […] Read More »


