Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Tram & Bus Divisional Secretary David Babineau on 2GB Drive

Apr 6, 2022

RTBU Tram & Bus Divisional Secretary David Babineau spoke to Luke Grant on 2GB Drive yesterday evening about the planned […] Read More »

News: Sydney commuters to travel for free on public transport network for 12 days during Easter holidays

Apr 1, 2022

Public transport will be free across Sydney’s entire network for 12 consecutive days during the Easter holidays, beginning on April […] Read More »

News: ‘Dream come true’: Parramatta light rail inches towards completion

Apr 1, 2022

Transport Minster David Elliot said 99 per cent of the tracks for the first stage of the $2.4 billion light rail project […] Read More »

News: Eastern suburbs bus changes: Commuters fear privatisation

Apr 1, 2022

In a last-ditch effort, Coogee MP Marjorie O’Neill secured an Upper House inquiry into the impact of the privatisation of NSW […] Read More »

News: Parramatta trams to be built in Australia under bold new plan

Apr 1, 2022

Trams running on the second stage of the Parramatta Light Rail will be required to be built in Australia, in […] Read More »

Newcastle EA Update

Apr 1, 2022

An overtime dispute through the Fair Work Commission has put our EA negotiations on hold in the last week.  This […] Read More »

Region 6 Bargaining update

Apr 1, 2022

This week saw a half day caucus between the RTBU and TWU and then we sat together at Trades Hall […] Read More »

Region 7 Log of Claims survey

Apr 1, 2022

The first bargaining session is scheduled for 6th April. The company has made it clear that they are seeking one […] Read More »

News: Rail, Tram and Bus Union calls for free travel on Fridays

Mar 18, 2022

NSW’s transport union is calling for free travel once a week for commuters as compensation for the sudden shutdown of the rail network […] Read More »

Gift Cards

Mar 18, 2022

As mentioned in the Express on February 25th, members will be receiving a gift card to the value of $50.00. […] Read More »


