Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Bus dedicated tunnel the only solution for Northern Beaches commuters

Jul 19, 2012

The RTBU Bus and Tram Division has called on the NSW Government to commit to a two-lane bus dedicated tunnel […] Read More »

New caretaker delegate at Port Botany

Jul 19, 2012

The union welcomes the announcement that Mick DeMeo has been elected as the caretaker delegate at Port Botany. In a tight-run […] Read More »

The BBQ tour continues….

Jul 18, 2012

The BBQ tour of duty continues with a great get together at Ryde depot last week.  The RTBU has now […] Read More »

Union action delivers for gas bus safety

Jul 11, 2012

Last week the Office of Transport Safety Investigations released its report on the investigation into the gas bus that caught fire […] Read More »

Know your Rights: Skills Competency

Jul 11, 2012

With Brett Peters… 8. Skills Competency 8.1 The employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties where practical, […] Read More »

Global Roaming: News from near and far…

Jul 11, 2012

London Olympic bus strike averted  In London a scheduled bus strike has been called off so talks can continue over […] Read More »

Divisional executive meet with STA CEO

Jul 10, 2012

The Bus and Tram Division executive met with STA CEO Peter Rowley last week to hear from him on potential […] Read More »

Uniform dispute win

Jul 10, 2012

The Union is pleased to advise that the long running Uniform Dispute has been resolved. All permanent bus operators will […] Read More »

Unions must fight new workers’ compensation laws

Jun 28, 2012

Following catastrophic changes to workers’ compensation laws the Tram and Bus Division of the RTBU would support a statewide stoppage […] Read More »

Know Your Rights: Annual Leave

Jun 27, 2012

With Brett Peters… Annual Leave 55 55.5 Any employee who has completed at least one year’s service, who is regularly […] Read More »

