Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Unions NSW takes action over children check concern

Nov 18, 2013

Unions NSW Deputy Assistant Secretary Mark Morey will convene a meeting of unions affected by the introduction of fees to […] Read More »

Big turn outs at rank and file depot meetings

Nov 15, 2013

Delegates are reporting large attendances at depot union meetings, with members keen to show their support for our union as […] Read More »

Tastes of Tempe: the BBQ road show continues

Nov 13, 2013

Union Officials supplied the ingredients and offered to help, but the Tempe master chefs were running the show. Union members […] Read More »

Union slams unfair fees for “Working With Children Check”

Nov 12, 2013

RTBU Bus and Tram Division President Gary Way, stood up at Unions NSW last night to register his concern over […] Read More »

Latest Bus Express TV

Oct 29, 2013

Check out the latest episode of Bus Express TV now. This week Chris Preston and Gary Way give us an […] Read More »

Delegate profile: Peter Grech

Oct 29, 2013

The Division’s delegate at the North Sydney bus depot is Peter Grech. Peter has been driving buses for 15 years […] Read More »

If a defect renders your bus unsafe, refuse to drive it

Oct 24, 2013

  Members have been issued infringement notices for driving defective buses.  As far as the police are concerned, the driver […] Read More »

Shocking ACA footage further proof more driver protection is needed

Oct 23, 2013

Last night A Current Affair broadcast a story with a collection of shocking footage of bus drivers under attack. Watch […] Read More »

STA get frustrated

Oct 22, 2013

They can’t take our conditions off us so now they are trying to intimidate us via micro managing. Delegates in […] Read More »

Attention members – special election notice

Oct 22, 2013

The RTBU would like to notify members of the upcoming election for vacant positions within the NSW branch. The attached […] Read More »

