Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Narelle Sinclair welcomed to NSW Branch Council

Dec 11, 2013

Following the sad departure of Alan Burke from the NSW Branch Council due to ill health, the Australian Electoral Commission […] Read More »

NSW teachers reach new pay deal

Dec 10, 2013

After tough negotiations NSW teachers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a new agreement which will deliver, amongst other things, the […] Read More »

Bus Express TV – December

Dec 10, 2013

Check out the latest episode of Bus Express TV now. This week Chris Preston and Gary Way give us an […] Read More »

Chistmas Bus driver achieves hero status

Dec 3, 2013

Long time bus driver Margaret Pannell, started decorating her bus in the lead up to Christmas to give her passengers […] Read More »

Hearings complete in STA dispute

Dec 3, 2013

On Friday 29 November the Bus and Tram Division returned to the Industrial Relations Commission to complete hearings for its […] Read More »

Bullying remains a problem for NSW public sector

Nov 27, 2013

A report released yesterday from the NSW Public Service Commissioner Graeme Head has found 30% of NSW public sector employees report being […] Read More »

Bus fares to rise following IPART determination

Nov 26, 2013

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released its final report and determination setting maximum bus fares for the […] Read More »

Update on O’Farrell’s new tramway

Nov 19, 2013

Plans for the roll out of O’Farrell’s new tramway, including how long it will take to build, are solidifying daily. […] Read More »

STA dispute: drivers have their day in court

Nov 19, 2013

Drivers crowded the court at the Industrial Relations Commission on Thursday last week to hear the opening address from the […] Read More »

