Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Super win for NSW public sector workers

Dec 18, 2013Uncategorized

The Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) has ruled that the NSW Government will not be able to include superannuation rises in its public sector wage cap.

In a big win for all public sector workers, including bus drivers, the IRC upheld the application by public sector unions to have federally-mandated super increases paid on top of the 2.5 per cent wage cap the NSW Government has enforced.

NSW Treasurer Mike Baird wanted the increase absorbed within its wages policy, effectively a cut to workers’ pay. He will now appeal against the decision.

Unions NSW Assistant Secretary Mark Morey said the Treasurer’s view is disappointing,

“The government should be focusing on growing the economy, rather than running frivolous cases and wasting the taxpayers money,” he told the ABC.

“The commission is saying that enough is enough, that the government can afford this on its own evidence.”

