Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Your rights and conditions protected under the new Award

Sep 17, 2014

The Bus Division of the RTBU has negotiated for the new Bus Operators Award to maintain all existing conditions. Members voted […] Read More »

Meet Your Local Delegate – Michael De Meo

Sep 11, 2014

Why did you become involved in the union?
 Before STA, I was a Factory Manager in the furniture industry. I had […] Read More »

Bus Express TV – Sept 5

Sep 5, 2014

In this edition of Bus Express, Chris Preston and David Woollams give an update on the proposed new Enterprise Agreement. Read More »

STA boss takes up the Ice bucket challenge

Sep 4, 2014

Bus and Tram Division Secretary Chris Preston challenged National Secretary Bob Nanva and STA boss Peter Rowley to take the ice bucket challenge to raise awareness and money for Motor Neurone Disease after he had also taken on the challenge. Read More »

Coming to a depot near you…

Sep 3, 2014

Union representatives will be coming to all bus depots in the coming weeks to ensure members are fully briefed about what’s in the proposed new Enterprise Agreement. Check with your local delegate about when the briefing will be held in your depot. Read More »

Bus Division takes the ice bucket challenge

Sep 2, 2014

RTBU Divisional Secretary Chris Preston has taken the ice bucket challenge after being nominated by Brookvale delegate Narelle Sinclair. Watch the video here. Read More »

Know your wages policy

Sep 2, 2014

As negotiations on the new award for bus drivers continues, it is important that members understand the conditions under which we are bargaining. Under the NSW Government Wages Policy, public sector employees can only receive a maximum pay increase capped at 2.5 per cent per annum. Read More »

Workplace bullying – we need your input

Sep 1, 2014

Bullying in the workplace is problem that many of us have unfortunately experienced at some stage in our careers. While […] Read More »

Working With Children Check Update

Aug 29, 2014

Whilst members are very willing to participate in any improvements to child protection, the RTBU has fought this unfair cash grab from employees since it was announced. Divisional President, Gary Way was the first Union Official to publicly raise the issue at Unions NSW. Read More »

Disgraceful attack on Newcastle rail services

Aug 25, 2014

The Newcastle railway line is being truncated at Wickham, meaning commuters will have to change transport modes to travel direct […] Read More »

