Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Notice to members: STA Grow Perform Succeed Programme

Apr 30, 2015

STA have advised the Union of their intention to commence the ‘State Transit Grow Perform Succeed Program’ (GPS) with Bus Operators. Read More »

Burwood members clean war memorial after 30+ years

Apr 30, 2015

It took three RTBU members three days to get it perfect, but Burwood’s war memorial has now had its first […] Read More »

Egyptian feast for Harmony Day

Apr 26, 2015

It was RTBU member Emad Moussa’s day off on Harmony Day this year. But instead of spending the day relaxing […] Read More »

Brookvale driver takes on the Anzac Day Challenge

Apr 24, 2015

Brookvale driver Sally Hill likes to channel her fitness into raising money for great causes. The past few years she […] Read More »

Still no information on bus routes during light rail construction

Apr 23, 2015

Transport for NSW has set up a new stand alone office to deliver the South East Light Rail Link. But they have not yet explained how buses which currently travel up and down George street will be re-routed. Read More »

A busy month for delegates and reliefs

Apr 21, 2015

Delegates from all depots got together for a two-day executive meeting covering all the important issues and around twenty relief delegates joined together for a full day of training. Read More »

International Day of Mourning memorial service

Apr 20, 2015

What if you went to work one day and never came home? Sadly that is the reality for more than 40 Australians who have been killed in workplace accidents this year alone. Read More »

How to beat the Opal system

Apr 16, 2015

For just $15 you can get a week’s worth of unlimited travel on all forms of transport using your Opal card – and get your weekly exercise at the same time. So how are commuters doing it? Read More »

Meet your local delegate – Ed Robinson

Apr 13, 2015

Why did you become involved in the union?
 I’ve always been a unionist – I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t part of a union. I always thought that the working man should be treated more fairly than how he generally is treated. And as the industrial relations environment is getting more and more draconian every day, I want to stand by the guys I work with. Read More »

School children left behind

Apr 8, 2015

In some parts of Newcastle the shortage of buses in the area has meant that school children are even being left at school because the buses scheduled to pick them up are too full to take them. Read More »

