Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

IWLR EA Update: Your unity achieves positive outcomes

Nov 5, 2021Updates

Following our meeting with Transdev on 28 October your negotiating committee was successful in having Transdev agree to include career progression reflecting that of the CSELR progression in your EA.

  • Driver Trainee – 0-6 months
  • Driver Grade 1 – 6-12 months
  • Driver Grade 2 – 1-3 years
  • Driver Grade 3 – 3+ years

This is a huge step forward for the equal treatment of all Drivers across all networks.

After further negotiations, Transdev have also come back with revised rates of pay on the issue of Category 1 Critical Safety Workers and Category 3 Non-Critical Safety Workers. This reconsideration also addresses the claim of having Category 1 Critical Safety workers paid more than Category 3 Non-Critical Safety workers.

Three cheers and a huge congratulations to everyone for their efforts in achieving these outcomes! By standing together and participating in protected actions over the last few weeks we’ve managed to force Transdev to reconsider their offer.

Your unity is your strength!

You can read the full update sent to members here.

