Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Union executive tours Belmont depot

Sep 16, 2015

The entire executive committee of the RTBU Tram and Bus division toured Belmont depot last week. Read More »

How to deal with radio room intimidation

Sep 14, 2015

According to reports from a number of depots, it appears that the issue of radio room intimidation continues. Read More »

Late buses inevitable

Sep 14, 2015

The Daily Telegraph’s article today that claimed that STA buses had been running late for five years was a slap in the face for RTBU Tram and Bus division members. Read More »

Hunter Transport Forum – 30 Sept

Sep 10, 2015

The NSW Government has a “revitalisation” strategy for the Hunter – and it’s clear that public transport is very low down on their priority list. Read More »

Save our weekend

Sep 6, 2015

For many Australians — including RTBU members — working weekends is not a choice. But conservative governments and business lobby groups want to take away penalty rates so that workers would no longer have the right to penalty rates when they work on the weekend or after hours. Read More »

A tight squeeze

Sep 5, 2015

Watch a bus driver in the U.S try to squeeze his vehicle through a tiny granite tunnel on the Needles Highway. Do you think he’ll make it? Read More »

Melbourne tram drivers strike

Aug 27, 2015

RTBU tram drivers in Melbourne have been forced to take strike action today to resolve a dispute with their employer Yarra Trams over pay and conditions. Read More »

Time for fire safety systems to be rolled out nationwide

Aug 24, 2015

Now that we’ve had a victory in getting these systems installed in NSW, we think its time that they were rolled out nationwide. An incident in Perth last week is just another reminder of how important it is that safety is the number one priority on public transport. Read More »

Opal card: How to beat it, and most popular routes

Aug 21, 2015

The Opal card stats are proving that commuters will find ways to save on public transport if they can, and the Opal card’s fare design is encouraging new commuter behaviour patterns – for better or for worse. Read More »

We haven’t won yet

Aug 18, 2015

Last Friday the Federal Court overturned Hutchinson Ports’ decision to sack the MUA workers. However, when they showed up to work it became apparent that their employer had refused to roster them on any shift. Read More »


