Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Gift Cards Now Available!

Jul 9, 2021

The $50 gift cards for members have finally arrived after the executive moved a resolution on May 7th that all […] Read More »

Government flags return to 2.5% Wages Policy

Jun 25, 2021

In a move that will affect public sector/service wages for any Award negotiated in the next financial year, the government […] Read More »

Region 8 Negotiations

Jun 24, 2021

The RTBU met with Keolis Downer to discuss the EA negotiations. KD have again confirmed their intention to have employees […] Read More »

Region 6 Negotiations

Jun 24, 2021

Members voted earlier this week and approved the Log of Claims for the RTBU to take forward in negotiations. Discussions […] Read More »

STA Region 8 – Log of Claims Survey

Jun 18, 2021

Members will be presented with a link to a Log of Claims Survey on Monday via SMS. It will outline […] Read More »

TSA Region 6 – Log of Claims

Jun 18, 2021

After a lengthy process of collating member responses and pulling items out of a model EA that was compiled by […] Read More »

Redfern Building Sale

Jun 18, 2021

Although it has yet to be ratified at the upcoming National Executive meeting, it is expected that there will be […] Read More »

Employee Opal Cards

Jun 10, 2021

Members may already be aware that some employee Opal cards are not functioning. Transport for NSW is aware of the […] Read More »

STA Award Approved

Jun 3, 2021

Both the STA Bus Operations Award and the Senior and Salaried Officers Award has been approved after issues with the […] Read More »

Region 6 Bargaining

Jun 2, 2021

The process has been slow going so far, as members would have noticed, and the reason is twofold. First, our […] Read More »


