Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Free Flu Vaccinations

Mar 18, 2022

The RTBU has put out a call to all employers to provide members with the opportunity to receive the flu […] Read More »

Gift Cards

Mar 18, 2022

As mentioned in the Express on February 25th, members will be receiving a gift card to the value of $50.00. […] Read More »

Region 7 Log of Claims survey

Mar 18, 2022

The Log of Claims survey was completed in time for the first bargaining session. Originally scheduled for 25th March, late […] Read More »

Hunter Workers International Women’s Day March 2022

Mar 11, 2022

Leanne Holmes, RTBU National Organiser and Newcastle Local, will be leading the Hunter Workers International Women’s Day March in Newcastle […] Read More »

News: Adapt trams to run on different lines, government says

Mar 11, 2022

The NSW government is looking to integrate Sydney’s two light rail lines so trams from the CBD and eastern suburbs […] Read More »

News: Free buses for Lismore and Ballina to help flood-affected residents

Mar 11, 2022

Flood-affected residents in Lismore and Ballina who need to access essential services are being supported with free bus services, which […] Read More »

RTBU Flood Relief

Mar 11, 2022

Recent flood across Australia have ripped through many communities leaving many RTBU members impacted and even losing their houses and […] Read More »

Region 6 Bargaining update

Mar 11, 2022

This week your bargaining representatives met with Transit Systems on Tuesday the 8th of March. Unfortunately, the imminent transition of Region […] Read More »

Newcastle EA Update

Mar 11, 2022

BREAKING NEWS… Earlier this afternoon, Keolis Downer Newcastle put forward to the RTBU a proposed Enterprise Agreement to replace the […] Read More »

Region 7 Log of Claims survey

Mar 11, 2022

The survey to compile a Log of Claims for workers in region 7 is now complete. We’re collating the results […] Read More »


