Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Recent News

Workers must be consulted on new trams

Aug 16, 2012

The Minister for Transport has announced a $20 million contract for the supply of new trams to run on the […] Read More »

Kingsgrove depot dominates annual Road Race

Aug 7, 2012

It was a bumper turn out for the 58th Kingsgrove Depot Road Race this year with 48 runners and representatives […] Read More »

Know your Rights: Job Share

Aug 7, 2012

With Brett Peters… 11.1 The parties agree to enable employees covered under this Award, to participate in job share arrangements […] Read More »

Notice to Members: standing time dispute

Aug 6, 2012

See below a Notice to Members regarding the most recent matter to be placed in dispute around standing time arrangements. The […] Read More »

Notice to Members: workplace surveys

Aug 6, 2012

See below a Notice to Members regarding workplace surveys:   Read More »

Privatisation not the answer to better services

Aug 3, 2012

There is no doubt that NSW commuters deserve better transport services, but the number one question is what really needs […] Read More »

STA to the rescue in car park collapse

Jul 27, 2012

When the car park at Eastgardens collapsed early in the week shoppers were left stranded at the centre, unable to […] Read More »

Bus drivers left stranded during Wynyard breakdowns

Jul 27, 2012

Doing the Wynyard shuffle is right. Every day drivers are forced to deal with congestion, and the frustration that comes […] Read More »

Know your Rights: Acting out of Classification

Jul 26, 2012

With Brett Peters… 22. Acting out of Classification 22.1 An employee engaged temporarily in a higher grade shall be paid […] Read More »

The Hot Topic

Jul 26, 2012

Calling all bus drivers: Share your story Bus drivers provide around 15 000 services every day to the people NSW […] Read More »


