Waverley depot votes in new delegate

Jun 25, 2013Updates

The results are in and Waverley depot has a new delegate in Warwick Molloy after one of the higher voter turnouts at the ballot box

The Waverley local (pictured right) enjoyed a convincing win, seeing off two other candidates after receiving 147 votes during the June 7 ballot.

Warwick has replaced incumbent Wendy Wirth, who had held the position for 10 years. Wendy will remain an integral part of the depot’s union committee team.

Warwick, who has been a driver and Union member for three and a half years, said that he put his name forward to represent the Waverley depot to “ensure members got a fair go.”

“I had a good understanding of the Award and I wanted to ensure the other drivers had a better understanding of it as well,” he said.

“Some of the things I want to do is increase the communication between the Union and its members and to protect our wages and conditions into the future.”

Divisional President Gary Way welcomed Warwick into the position, noting the new representative’s completion of the Union’s delegate training.

