Bus and Tram Express
Bus and Tram Express

Waverley depot protests against harsh application of the discipline policy

Aug 30, 2012News

Fed up with management’s lack of respect for workers and what they see as unreasonably tough reactions to minor offences, members at Waverley depot have voted unanimously to put discipline into dispute.

Members also voted for a petition to present to the depot manager expressing their anger and disappointment at this over-the-top regime.

The issues are many and varied, but include a driver who slept through the alarm and turned up to work late. The dirver was issued a final warning. The driver’s last ‘late employed’ was 8 years ago!

The petition is popular, with drivers happy to vent their anger. Wendy Wirth, delegate for the depot, says the members are walking around with ‘smoke coming out of their ears’ after being subjected, or hearing of the treatment of colleagues, to this disrespectful manner management has taken this year.

This dispute is ongoing at present and members will have opportunity in the near future to assess management’s response and react accordingly.

